Conserving water

Every one should try and conserve water. Water is gong away and we need it to live. This is going to be my plan to save water.

First you could turn the foset off when not using it. If you don’t turn the foset off when not using it it could waste gallons and gallons of water. The water you need to live. Next you could get a low flow shower head. It would save gallons and gallons of water when you have a child don’t you want them to have water to drink. Finally when it’s raining or snowing you could put a barrel out to catch it. Then when the snow melts instead of dumping it out you could give it to your pets or pants. You could do the same thing with rain water. This would save 13 or more gallons of water. That’s a bunch of water!

Saving water is a very important thing to do thats why you should pitch in and do your part. Saving water leads to good things in the future.


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